On the road again…

This month has been a bit different. Covid continues to be a topic of conversation these days. I’m sure you can relate. We haven’t had anyone in the family who has had Covid but it is around us here in the Goroka area. Thankfully we were able to get through a couple of weeks of isolation during a school break for the boys. This isn’t how the boys wanted to spend their break but such is life. Thankfully I was able to get plenty of things done from home.

The middle of the month I was able to take a 4-day trip out to a Sepik tribe. One of the current Covid realities now is the need for a covid test before and after every trip out of the province. Thankfully the nurse did a great job and it didn’t feel like they got a sample of my brain tissue! I was negative so the next morning I jumped on the plane at first light and headed off. 3 flights and a 2-hour boat trip later we arrived in the village. I have been in this location many times over the years so it was good to see the team again as well as the local villagers. We spent two full days going through the evaluations, talking through culture and team topics before heading back on a Friday. While it was good to get out, it was also good to get back home.

Shortly after I got back we had the joy as a family of having a visit from our co-workers, Bob and Noby Kennell. They had spent some time with the Bisorio believers and are on their way back to the US. We had a lot of discussions about what the Lord is doing and how He could use us to encourage the church. There are challenges before us but we also sense and see that the Lord is working.

Thanks so much for standing with us so that we can engage with the church here in PNG.

In Him,

Eric and Judith, Stephen, Daniel and Timothy

I was working to train a new consultant, Benjamin Hatton (left), while we evaluated the missionaries.
Benjamin and I with the tribal team on the bank of the Bapi river right before we left to return.

Prayer & Praise

  • Praise that we continue to stay healthy.
  • Pray for Eric as he is in the final stages of proofing the Malaumanda New Testament.
  • Pray for the increase in Covid cases here in PNG. We pray that the numbers will decrease and that we will continue to be able to see churches being planted and developed during this time.
  • Praise that the boys will have in person learning for school starting next week. They do not like distance learning.
  • Pray for me as I try to arrange a trip into Malaumanda in November. I have some teaching and discipleship that needs to be done with the leaders in the church there. This is a bit of a challenge these days as the flight program is busy.
  • Pray for the teaching prep that will be necessary for my Malaumanda trip as well as some other teaching opportunities here at Lapilo.
  • Pray also for Judith’s mom, Helen, who is fighting Covid as well as some other medical issues.