These last several months have been filled with waiting. We have been waiting on approvals, waiting on housing to open up, waiting on airline tickets and probably more than anything we have been learning to wait on the Lord. I use the term ‘learning’ because these sorts of circumstances always point out the many areas in our lives where we still need to grow.

In our last update we asked you to pray for our PNG approval to come. Well, I won’t go into all the details but needless to say we now have these approvals in hand. It seems a bit surreal to be past this particular hurdle. The next step that we have before us is to find a route where we can fly back. This is no small task as International travel is still a major challenge. Lord willing our travel agent will start working on this starting on Monday. Please Pray that she can find a route back that will work and which won’t break the bank.

During this extended time in the US we have been overwhelmed by the love, care and concern from the body of Christ. Not only have we received kind notes of encouragement but we have also seen several extra financial gifts that have been a help to us. On top of that, we have been particularly blessed with another place to stay while we wait. We are living right on a beautiful lake here in Oregon and enjoying the peacefulness of God’s creation. God’s Grace to us is always sufficient, and amazing!

We’ll leave it at that for now. Once we have some concrete news as to when we can travel back to PNG then we’ll shoot off another short update. Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer.

In Him,

Eric and Judith, Stephen, Daniel and Timothy

This is the view from our room. It is beautiful even on a cloudy day.