by Eric Hedeen | Oct 17, 2020 | Family Updates
It has been obvious over the last several months that we need to walk by faith and live in the present. Plans that go much beyond today just aren’t very predictable. This isn’t a terrible thing as it keeps us dependent on the Lord. That being said, we are...
by Eric Hedeen | Oct 10, 2020 | Family Updates
These last several months have been filled with waiting. We have been waiting on approvals, waiting on housing to open up, waiting on airline tickets and probably more than anything we have been learning to wait on the Lord. I use the term ‘learning’...
by Eric Hedeen | Sep 25, 2020 | Family Updates
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.Prov 16.9 These past several months have been filled with uncertainty. Is there any aspect of life that has been predictable? We thought that it should be fairly straight forward to get out our...
by Eric Hedeen | Sep 14, 2020 | Family Updates
Over the last month or so there have been major fires on the West Coast; mainly in California. About a week ago Oregon saw some very unusual dry and windy conditions which led to many fires springing up around the state. The picture above is of the smoke cloud coming...