Well, we are back home. It wasn’t a particularly straightforward endeavor but the Lord was faithful. We were dropped off at the Vancouver airport in BC on a Friday evening and departed at 1am for Manila. After the 13 hour flight we had about 15 hours to wait on the ground there before we took another red-eye flight to PNG and landed at 5am. Our final flight left just after 8am and took us back to Goroka.

I will say that after having so many less than enjoyable interactions at the border over the last 3 months our entrance into PNG was a nice change. Immigration was very friendly and the customs guy, after finding out we were returning missionaries, said ‘welcome back’. That may seem like a small thing but it was an encouragement to us. 

We spent the following 4 days pulling our stuff out of storage and have the basics for the house set back up. I think that we are well on our way towards being over jet lag as well. That was a bit of a challenge at first as I just about fell asleep during dinner on our first night.

This coming Monday I will head back to the office and resume my ministry as Lapilo center manager. Judith will be helping me out with some administrative tasks related to this which will allow us to work together more this time around. Be praying for us as we have a huge task before us.

Timothy will continue to do his online schooling. He is doing well so far and is enjoying being back at Lapilo. Daniel is doing well too. Please be praying for him as we sort through the logistics of what he will be doing during his time here. I am overseeing his training program but we are hoping to see him interact with different skilled workers in the area. It will just take some time to sort out the details as to how this will work.

We do want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for us over the last several months. There have been many times when we have had no answers as to what we should do next or how we will pay for our various expenses but God has certainly used His body to come alongside us in our time of need.

In Him,

Eric and Judith, Stephen, Daniel and Timothy

Arriving at Jackson’s International airport in PNG. We were tired but happy to arrive.
On our last flight for the journey.
This is what our house looked like for most of the week. Boxes and buckets everywhere.
Walking out to our Port Moresby to Goroka flight.